Once Vicky come to see basar after a long time.his engineering friend Ram
who is site engineer at basar will receive Vicky at the railway station.after
worshiping the saraswati devi both of them will come to rgukt campus .
Strike will be going on at the time of their arrival regarding internship
programme. Students will discus about internship programme with the
Director along with the end director says “you have to search for
internship programme yourself it's following from last 4 years i can't do
anything about providing internship from campus side” and goes from
their.then Vicky come and says “ i am so sorry for what is happening here.
I never seen like this outside not provinding internship.I will provide
internship within a month.dont worry” one student will raise the question
that “do you know what is engineering? without knowing anything how
can you provide internship?” Vicky replies: are you e3 student?
vicky:if you get internship within a month from myside give me half of
chapatis what you eat on saturday. This whole story will seen by Karuna
who is lady faculty
Ram to Vicky:what r u talking? Are you mad? Did you remembered how
much we struggled for the
internship at our engineering level?
Vicky: we should provide internship to them. They should not struggle
like us. Try to find mobile numbers, e mail accounts of all our engineering
Ram will do that
vicky will says regarding internship to all his engineering friends and they
will say ok to offer internship from their known persons
Internship will be provided to all the studnets.
All the students will go to do internship and one and half month will
finish. But some of students wont do in a proper way due to lot of reasons.
So some of companies are not willing to give certificate to those
students.the students will inform this situation to theVicky. Vicky will call
to his engineering friends to solve the student problems as a
recommendation. This will be seen by lady faculty. Then asks why are
doing favour to them?if they dont know anything how can you provide
certificate from recommendation. Some of students are useless to do
engineering.vicky says to lady faculty : “you dont know that how i
struggled for internship in 3rd sem of engineering at this campus.i searched
many of the companies but the problem with the duration of internship and
my capabilities.even to get the memos and recognition letters i wasted so
much of time .you are the one of the toppers at that time so you got easily
memo and even internship by recommendation.but what about the below
average students? None of you cared about them. Didn't you recognize
that they are also toppers at the school level but due to some factors some
fellows not studied very well. If good support has given to them some of
them might also become average students. Some students have done
internship by paying money ..
tha's why i told to our engineering friends to give support for providing
a certificate without struggling as like our batch students
if you show interest on studies as like showing interst on enjoyment
you will be enjoyer always
you will be enjoyer always
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